
Monday, October 18, 2010

Gwar - Bloody Pit of Horror "Sick and Twisted"? No shit!

Are you ready for new music from Gwar?!?! Well ready or not, here it comes! “Sick and Twisted” is your latest sampling of new music from Gwar’s forthcoming release, Gwar’s Bloody Pit of Horror. It might be the band’s most tasteless song EVER, so crank that shit loud and make sure to offend the neighbors, make your dad shit himself, your mom fist herself, and your grandma puke all over her poodle. Then go here to pre-order the album before Metal Blade releases it on November 9.
And don’t forget that Gwar are on tour right now! If you’ve ever seen the band live before, you know how much fun they are, and if you haven’t, well, don’t miss out! (
Make sure you check out the latest edition of Focus on Metal where we interview Oderus Urangus coming to you this Tuesday on Pure Rock Radio and Wednesday to iTunes.

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