
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nothin' Top Heavy about ON TOPS's latest

"Top Heavy" the latest release from East Coasters ON TOP

ON TOP has created a powerful ripping release with their latest, Top Heavy. The bands first full length release following a the three song demo Another Night Of Sleaze in 2008 and a six track EP in 2010.
The power trio plans tour this release is poised for a great year ahead.
Jaron Gulino puts forth a killer vocal performance on this one, to say nothing of his great bass work too (Witness track 9). Danny Piselli's drum style is very comparable to a cross between Wild Mick Brown and Phil Rudd. The icing on the cake is the arrival of new guitar slinger Alex Kulick (formerly of Striker). Alex stakes his claim right away on the 44 second intro track "Top Heavy" which shows off a fair bit of EVH flair and technique. That one segues into Into The night which reminded this metal head of Queenryche's "Queen of the Ryche" before going into a classic Dokken style verse and chorus. Where once again Alex runs throw a killer lead break.
Four of the tracks are redone versions of track as on the prior two releases but unlike when some bands do this and you tell the old ones form the new ones, not on this disc. It all a very cohesive disc and it all flows nicely.
Standout tracks include the aforementioned "Into The Night", "Success And Excess", and "Hot N' Wet"
If you yearn for the days of metal tunes about decadence and good times with a some anthemic stuff chucked in for good measure this release has 11 tracks of just what you are looking for. With most tracks clocking in at under 5 minutes you can listen the whole thing and be surprised at quick it all goes by. That's a good thing in these days of way too many tracks on a disc.

The bottom line ON TOP is like Dokken meets AC/DC meets Crue and results are great. FoM gives this one a buy rating.

Top Heavy can be purchased at this location:

ON TOP Band Links: 

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