
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review - Steel Raiser - Regeneration

Holy Shit
Let me repeat that, Ho-Lee Shit

If you are a fan of Painkiller era Priest and you can afford to buy just one album this month then this is the one to buy.
Released on January 25th of Pure Steel, Steel Raiser's second full length release Regeneration is pure metal amazement. What the hell is in the water in Italy? It's like these guys have been basking in the purest metal energy direct from Birmingham.
Vocalist Alfonso Giordano has channeled the styles of both Rob Halford and Metal Church's David Wayne to dramatic effect. Every song on here is a no holds barred vocal performance. The guy has got a great range. In fact the vocal on Love is Unfair (the closest thing to a ballad and it ain't that close) could almost be mistaken for Kingdom Come's Lenny Wolf.

Guitars? Gian Luca Rossi and Giuseppe Seminara pull off some tight and tasty riffing that nicely propel every track on here and the rythmn section of Salvo Pizzimento on bass and Antonio Portale on the skins put in a flawless performance. There's a real Scott Travis influence on the drums and I'm talking classic Racer-X era Travis.

Every song on this puppy is sure to satisfy those metal fans looking for metal with firm roots in the early to mid eighties. If you crave the sound of a Marshall JCM800 you'll like this disc. 9 songs coming in under 45 minutes. This disc is just the right amount of metal in a single package. There's no complex arrangements just straight out classic metal. Sometimes that's all ya need.

And the artwork? Again classic. Look at this thing. Flames, destruction, and a great logo.

Do yourself a favor and grab this one. This one ranks a 10 out of 10.

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