
Monday, April 15, 2013

It's only taken me 25 years or so

   Yeah I joined a fan club, never been arsed about it before. I thought they were old hat to be honest and a relic of a bygone age. Sure most bands don't even bother with them anymore as they would rather get $200 out of you for 5 minutes at a meet and greet rather then pay someone to administer a club full time and charge $50 for a years membership. Then there's Twitter and Facebook that brings you closer (illusion?) to the band.

   So what fan club did I join and why? Well it's none other then the Megadeth Cyberarmy for 2 reasons. One: I love the band so enough said on that. Two: For April they are including a signed copy of the new cd with membership and as I am in a signature collecting mood it was an offer too good to give up. So you get THAT and everything else you normally get for $49. to the club. Although I've really been in it since Peace Sells.

Check it out.

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