
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Review - Stryper- Second Coming (Frontiers Records)

   Anyone who heard me on episode 130 knows that I am not a fan of re-record cds. I understand that they are done for economic reasons, the label ponies up the cash and the band get the rights to the re-records. Sounds great for the band doesn't it. Here's what the fan normally gets: a half arsed performance from a band who have to change the tuning from the originals because the singer can't cut it like he used to. Want proof? Go listen to the last Dokken greatest hits re-records or the butchering Geoff Tate did of 4 Queensryche classics on Frequency Unknown.

   Well I'm glad to report that here's an exception. I got this because we recently did an interview with Stryper vocalist Michael Sweet and needed something up to date in the name of "research". What they have done is concentrated solely on their first 3 albums, 2 from The Yellow and Black Attack and 6 each from Soldiers Under Command and To Hell With The Devil. The running order from the originals is intact which added a nice touch.

   The result is fantastic. This cd rocks, of the 14 re-records there is only 1 ballad. The bands playing is as tight as ever. Michael Sweet is still an amazing singer and doesn't shun those high notes at all, also kudos to the rest of the band for their vocal harmony work.

   2 new tracks are also included and both rock especially Blackened. Frontiers Records have also done a nice job with the packaging. It seems more and more melodic rock bands from that era are ending up on Frontiers but it's not proving a graveyard for them at all.

   So nothing here from In God We Trust or Against The Law although Michael did say that they intend to get to these in the future. The bottom line and for me this is saying something: if the band had re-recorded these albums in their entirety and released them not only would I buy them but I would play them over the originals. This is that good. Now you tell me how many bands you can say that about.

   The band have also just finished recording their new cd No More Hell To Pay and Michael did say its heavy and it's the best work the band have ever done. You know what, on the strength of this I believe him. I await with bated breath. Go see them on tour.


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