
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Not Entirely Unexpected E-Mail

   I got an e-mail from Live Nation this morning offering $25 tickets for the Heart/Jason Bonham Experience this Friday. I'm not surprised one iota that they are trying to dump the tickets, what did surprise me is why it took so long for them to do it.

   There's no way in hell that this bill was going to do 20,000 and I'd be surprised if it does half that. I saw Heart support Def Leppard a couple of years ago and they were great live but are they a big enough draw to headline there. Not a chance. They've been through here twice in much smaller venues in the last year too. So much for the election into the Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame boosting sales.

   The Jason Bonham Experience as a choice for support baffles me. How did the promoter think that the son of John Bonham telling stories and playing along to home movies would do well in an arena that size. Whether you agree with what he's doing (I don't) or not would you get to the venue early to see this? If I wanted to see a movie I would have stayed at home. I suppose anything with a tinge of Zeppelin sells these days.

   The promoters have to get smart, there's huge competition for gigs out there. All the classic rock/metal bands have done the rounds with each other and having Mr. Bonham probably sounds great on paper because it's different. Different does not equal full.


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