
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pulling back the curtain just a little........

   When it comes to the show Scott does the bulk of the work. When it's recorded the first time I get to hear it is a download just like everyone else. That includes the track of the week and any other edits or additions he puts in. I will say that 99% of what we talk about in our discussion episodes is left in there and I like that.

   That discussion on the Guitar World top 20 hair metal albums was a blast. I couldn't give a shit if Scott admitted he didn't realize the albums were in chronological order. He's right, I didn't know and the first time I knew was listening to the podcast last night. Our bone of contention was whether some albums should have been on the list at all.

   We recorded that episode the same night we talked to Michael Sweet and I've been a Stryper fan for many years, not the image thing as such. If you can get past that they are superb musicians and their vocal harmonies live have to be seen to be believed. When I joined the show I had zero radio experience, discussed metal with friends for sure but normally over pints with no microphone stuffed near my gob. Never interviewed anyone ever, my first one was Joel Mciver a couple of months ago. Am I asking the wrong questions? probably. Am I learning? well I hope so. I don't write anything down and like to get a conversation flow going. I'm on the learning curve. The trick is to get the guest to talk and I think we did a pretty good job with Michael.

   We've also got a great discussion with Doug Aldrich and boy is he a super nice guy, go get the Burning Rain cd cause it's super stuff. Scott has interviews recorded too with Udo, Jon Oliva and Roland Grapow so that's all in the future. We have a lot of stuff in the can and helps us spread out the discussion based episodes and allows us to mix it up a little which we like.

   So what I've tried to do is add a little flavor to the blog by giving my thoughts and opinions on stuff so I'm in and out of there writing whenever I can. Also I've tried to line up some interviews for the show, again I've no experience in doing this but I've gotten Michael Sweet and Doug Aldrich on. I also took on a project for an upcoming show that's really big in scope. One interview is already done and I heard it last night and it's a good 'un. The second set of interviews are in the next week or so and one involves Scott and I talking the show on the road for the first time to talk to one of the musicians, believe you and me he is well known and respected in the hard rock and metal world and is playing with a band that still has their songs regularly played on the radio. If everything works out on this one we are easily looking at a two-parter especially if I can tie down the one remaining guy we want to speak to.

   I've also been promised some time with Kings X in the next week or so, we'll see if the planets align on that one cause they didn't the last time. So that's it for now and yes we haven't forgotten to continue the Saxon discography, we will get there in the end.


1 comment:

  1. I have been listening to the podcast for quite a while now and just wanted to say that having you on there has been a great addition. You two work well together. Keep up the great work and i can't wait to hear the new shows.
