
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Mob bumps off another.


  Want to get into new bands? I don't mean ankle deep, I mean up to your neck in them. Buy the cds, go to the shows, meet the band and tell them how much you love them, get the merch and on and on. Do what we do and promote the band and before you know it ......pppuuuufffffff.......gone.

   Mike Portnoy, he of a million projects has quit Adrenaline Mob because of the unoriginal "scheduling conflicts" excuse. It was a time management issue. It wasn't so long ago that he was shouting from the rafters that this band was the best thing since sliced bread. That band is now done, to me he was the selling point. Their debut was great. Ousted by Dream Theater for wanting some time off he now has the upcoming Winery Dogs cd to promote. The single is good and I mean really good. Positive signs for the full release in July (out already in Japan if you are that way inclined).

   Reminds me of the decline of Black Country Communion, Joe just didn't want to tour. Well yes he did just not with the other guys. Portnoy will carry on forever searching for what exactly only he can tell you. Lets see how The Winery Dogs goes, I just hope they don't have a gig scheduled the day of his son's baseball game.

   Want to know what my definition of a band is now- it's a project that sells. Try a lot and see what sticks. As for the fan, dabble in the new but stick to the old. All those established bands are surely the best of buds.

   I hope Adrenaline Mob prove me wrong and continue.

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