
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jon Oliva well done

I've heard many many interviews over the years when you can tell the interviewee is going through the motions. You can picture him or her rolling his eyes when asked the same question for the umpteenth time that day. It is very easy to fuck up an interview, the person on the other end of the phone has all the power. Ask the wrong question or even hint at something you shouldn't go near then it could be all over. Click.

   When you actually connect with the other person you really can tell that it isn't fake and that the guy on the other line is enjoying it. Then it becomes more a conversation and you know you can go places that others won't go or didn't dream of touching on. It can be difficult to get there though and more often then not you stumble into it, remember you know the music but you don't know the person on the other end of the phone.

   That's what I got from Scott's conversation with Jon Oliva. Now I'm not a massive fan of his but was really impressed with the interview. You could tell Jon wasn't bullshitting when he said how much he enjoyed the chat. It went from the album to the Beatles to gear to other stuff but all seamlessly. Great job.


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