
Monday, August 26, 2013

Junior Mciver

   Myself and Scott are huge Megadeth fans and have been for a very very long time. We had often said both on and off the air that we would love to have a member of the band on for an interview. So then the bucket list starts, Mustaine first and then probably Ellefson followed by maybe Friedman and so on. I know Scott had talked to Chris Poland in the past but Peace Sells is 27 years old now (fuckin' hell.....really!) and he had a bit part on The System Has Failed, no disrespect to him but he is not recent Megadeth or part of what is considered the classic Rust In Peace line-up.

   I did set a goal of trying to get Mustaine or Junior on the show. The problem is I'm wet behind the ears when it comes to tracking down these guys. I knew Ellefson had the book coming out because we had talked to co-author Joel Mciver back in March and he touched on this amongst other things. Joel is scheduled soon for a more in depth chat about the book, what's great is he asked me could he come back on but I'm getting a little ahead of myself  here.

   So here's how our chat with Junior went down. I checked online to see who the publicist was and then I contacted them using the e-mail provided on their website giving some basic background info about the show. A couple of days later I received a reply saying that they would love to schedule Ellefson for an interview. I replied saying thank you and would there be any chance of receiving a promo copy of the book because we would like to read it before the interview. The book duly arrived and a week later we were given a day and time to talk to Dave. That's it, not rocket science at all. The luck of the Irish maybe.

   The chat with Ellefson went well but we were only given 30 minutes, that's fine if someone is on promoting a new album but a problem when it's their whole life they are talking about. We are only scratching the surface of the surface here and Dave's a good talker so he guides you in the conversation and believe you and me that's fine. You had better have your 2 questions ready (I got 3 in......yippee). It was great talking to him and it's in the can until closer to the books release date.

   So Joel knew we were going to chat with Dave and he asked could he come back on too. You know what, that to me is GREAT because it shows that you are doing something right. For sure he's advertising the book but we already had Ellefson to promote it. Joel's great to talk to and I know that will be a great companion piece to the other interview. Every interview we do we invite the guest on at some future date blah blah blah and we are genuine when we say it. Making it happen is another story so for someone to ask me could they come back on is a first.


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