
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Review - Onslaught - VI (AFM Records)

Due out on AFM Records in North America on September 24th (UK 9/23, Europe 9/20) Onslaught's "VI" is a satisfying slab of modern thrash. Last heard from in 2011with "Sounds of Violence" this new disc continues with what has been best described as their uncompromising approach to the genre.

The one marks the debut of new skin beater Mic Mourihan who's talents have been put to extremely good use. He's up front and center in fine thrash form and had added considerable heft to their overall sound.
All told this one is nine tracks that take no prisoners. I'm amazed at how well this UK based band had captured the spirit of all those classic San Fran bands. The spirit of bands like Death Angel are clearly within these guys.

So lets get to the tracks. 
It kicks off with a quick intro track "A New World Order" . Nothing special here but it does lend the required build up and shows that this is an album based band. Don't listen to a single song listen to the whole album. It's the way it should be IMHO. That intro resolves intro "Chaos is King". At this point you know where you stand.If you don't like this one then you need to exit the party now. All the pieces are here. It's the solid Onslaught sound that's been present since their fourth album "Killing Peace" which heralded their return after a 14 year absence.

Track 3 is "FuelFor My Fire". This one is very much in the Death Angel mode with a great riff and some killer drum fills. This one also has a great breakdown section tat actually rides out the song.
Next up is "Children of The Sand". It kicks of with a very cool chanting partake something t=you would hear from Orphaned Land. From their it transitions into a very infectious and insistent riff. Once Sy's vocals come in it starts to sound a bit like some countdown era Megadeth and the lyrical content is also something that we would expect to come from Mustaine or even perhaps Araya. A very cool track indeed. The coolest part of this one is the tempo which is not fast but because of the way it's performed it sounds much faster than it is. The solo on this is also top notch and worth several listens. Track 5 is "Slaughterize". This may be the first time I have heard a tremolo effect on a thrash song, but it sound damn fine on this one. The smog title sons like something Jeff Hanneman would have come up with and damn if this song wouldn't sound right at home on a Slayer album. With a refrain of "killing is my aim in life" this one sticks in your headlong after the listening is done. The solo for this one consists of some great fast harmony runs that you don't often hear anymore and it's another great example of this bands greatness. You from the brutality of that one to a gentle chimey music box sound but fear not that quickly builds to perhaps the coolest titled song on this one "66'Fuckin'6". Great lyrics on this one. Musically it's reminds me of Testament especially Sy's phrasing and the gang vocals. I give this one extra points for using the phrase "Chaos Legions". I am after all a devout follower of Arch Enemy. If we get a chance to talk to these guys it would be cool to find out if there's a connection. This one has the most extensive solo yet and it smokes. I should mention that despite some of the stylistic differences between songs the guitar tone remains essentially the same. Overdriven and midrangey it fits perfectly in the mix.

So six songs in and so far not a bad song or anything to really bitch about. Track seven "Cruci-Fiction" does nothing to dipole that. The first minute of this one has some truly tasty guitar work that literally raised the hair on my arms. Drums on this one are most excellent and it's apparent the song is built around them. I'm sure that live this one just slays. The beginning of the solo breaks even veers a bit into death metal territory with the quick palm muted breakdown. Lot's of nice twists and turns on this one and it will most likely be a favorite for true thrash devotees. Drums are once again the carrier of the next one "Dead Man Walking". I think if Vobeat decided to do a true thrash song this is what it would sound like, and it sounds killer. Then we are at the last track "Enemy of My Enemy" and it's more of the same. This one again sounds very much like it could be from Death Angel. Solid all the way through this last track does not let up. And at the very end my only minor gripe. They faded out the song. There's no fade out in thrash.It's a minor complaint I admit but it would have been much better to end this thing at full stop.

So there you have Onslaught's latest "VI" track by track. I have to give this one full bars. It's got nine totally solid thrash tracks with enough differences in approach to never get boring. . The artwork by Par Oloffson is topnotch too. What'snot to like. Metalheads do yourself a favor and put this one on your must buy list.

Sy Keeler - Vocals
Nige Rockett - Guitar
Andy Rosser-Davies - Guitar
Jeff Williams - Bass
Mic Mourihan - Drums

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