
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Couple Of Things

1. Just finished reading Robert Plant A Life by Paul Rees. Very well researched book about one of the most iconic rock vocalists ever. The man is clearly a bit of a contradiction, a family man with a roving eye for the ladies, tight with money yet generous if the mood takes him, fiercely loyal yet not so. I particularly enjoyed the section on his solo stuff as I love most of it. The cast of characters the author has interviewed is impressive from school friends to previous band members, he seems to have talked to numerous people from all eras of Plant's career that really enhance the story. He also gives his own opinions on all the albums and I always like that even if I don't agree with some of them. With Robert Plant it's always about the music, the author says that at 65 he is "still curious, still questing, still wanting to be challenged and surprised". That's why the Zep reunion show was a one off and he really didn't want to do it. Jimmy Page would go out as Zeppelin tomorrow, Plant would rather travel in a transit van and play club shows.

2. Yes it has its faults but I am enjoying the new season of That Metal Show. Great mixture of guests from the old to the new. The interviews for the most part are pretty good but there are some comments from guests that just scream for a follow up that never comes. Mick Mars was asked if he ever felt like leaving Motley Crue and he said yes during the Generation Swine album. Surely the next logical question was why didn't you or did the other band members know or feel the same way as you. None of the hosts went there. Last night had Vinnie Paul, nothing asked about Rex Brown or Phil Anselmo. The Pantera reunion is a safe and tired question. You know what else is tired, Eddie Trunk harping on that he had a hand in the formation of The Winery Dogs. They were guests last night and he couldn't wait to blurt it out. We know that by now. The album was released last year and it's nearly April 2014. The album is great. Gotta say that Yngwie last night was fantastic.

3. Forthcoming releases I'm really Looking forward to. New Winger, Kyng and I'm interested to hear what Sebastian Bach has done with John 5. Been some great releases already this year and people say the album is dead. Can't wait to read Paul Stanley's book. For me he has always been the workhorse in that band. New Joe Satch book soon too.

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