
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Massacre's guitarist Rick Rozz Sits down for an interview with Focus on Metal


   Want to know the one genre of metal I've only dipped my toes in? That would be death metal. The vocals always turned me off. The heaviest I go would be Slayer and Sepultura and even then there is no guttural growl you hear with those guys (ok Derrick Green can get there). This is one genre where I lump them ALL in after hearing a couple of tracks. Sure they can play but the singing is hard on the ear, well for me anyway.

   So fuck it, the first e-mail interview I've done is with death metal band Massacre who have a new album out after many years called Back From Beyond on Century Media Records. I wanted to find out a little about the band, their impact, hopes for the future and the genre in general. So what have I been missing? The guitarist Rick Rozz has been in the death metal game for a long time. Educate me please:

Richie: The press release for the new album Back From Beyond states the band is back to take care of unfinished business. Do you believe you have something to prove?

Rick: Nothing to prove, just the fact that Massacre is more powerful and heavier then ever.

Richie: Can you tell me how you found Ed Webb to sing in the band and what criteria did he have to get the gig?

Rick: I happened to see Ed's band Destined To Ruin play at one time but at that time Massacre was not even a thought. I was in another project at the time called M INC. and we were doing a gig together. As time went on and the Massacre idea came up that is when I thought of Ed. I did not even know his name at the time but had his guitar player (Damian Heftel) phone number so I gave him a call to ask if Ed would have any interest. A few weeks later I spoke with Ed, he started to listen to From Beyond to get to know the songs so we could jam- and that he did. He came out and kicked our asses- that was all the criteria we needed and the rest is history.

Richie: From the release of Promise in 1996 to Back From Beyond this year how in your opinion has death metal changed if at all. If it has changed was it difficult to retain that creative and innocent spark from years ago?

Rick: I would say death metal has lost it's "old school feel" but that is all about to change this year.

Richie: If I said death metal is the most misunderstood genre of metal how would you respond.

Rick: I think it's more understood now then ever with Back from Beyond.

Richie: Just like all the original thrash bands had their scene in the bay area or Sweden with melodic rock bands why is Florida so widely known for death metal?

Rick:  Florida just happened to get that label and there are all types of bands and music in the Florida area. I don't get out much to see them though, been staying at home to write music.

Richie: Knowing what you know now, if you were to go back in time to the From Beyond era what one piece of advice would you give yourself?

Rick: Don't take any advance money from labels before you sell records.

Richie: Outside of death metal what are your favorite bands and which ones have influenced your playing style the most.

Rick: Kiss, Soundgarden, ZZ Top, Blackfoot and Sabbath.

Richie; Do you have any career regrets?

Rick: Not at all, everything happens for a reason.

Richie: Finally, what does the future hold for Massacre.

Rick: Lots of touring and 2 more brutal crushing releases on Century Media Records. Cheers and Peace.

   So there you have it. Go buy the album and support the bands. See them too. Say hello.


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