
Saturday, August 16, 2014

No Exchange Of Christmas Cards Here


    So drummer Randy Black is leaving Primal Fear today over what is stated as "irreconcilable differences" with singer Ralf Scheepers. Of course Ralf has come out since the announcement and said that no dirty laundry will be aired about the reasons why. So why name Randy then? Why not say it's the boring but safe "musical differences" reason even though we as fans know that 99% of the time its covering up the truth.

   Ralf is opening himself up for future questioning about this. Saying he's not going to talk about it won't make it go away. Randy was in the band a long time and the band were on a streak of really solid albums, this years Delivering The Black is one of the best releases of 2014 in my opinion. If he won't talk about it I guarantee the rest of the band will be questioned in interviews. It's the world we live in now where people want information be it truth or not. I'm all for honesty but don't do it half-assed because there's enough speculation as is on the net. The truth will eventually come out because now people will really dig deeper and what's stopping Randy spilling the beans now he is on the outs. It's good publicity for him, right? Especially if he come across as the victim.



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