
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Big Dad Ritch and Michael Hannon are the Guests on This Weeks Focus on Metal

Episode 205 - Metal Enlargement

Freshly back from worshipping at the altar of the Priest we stop praising the Redeemer tour long enough to take a look at a few bands that should be bigger but aren't. There's lots of bands out there like this but we thought that American Dog and Texas Hippie Coalition were two great examples of hardworking road dogs that just aren't getting their due. Our guests this week are Michael Hannon from American Dog and Big Dad Ritch from Texas Hippie Coalition.

Grab your copy of "Ride On" and get all your THC info at:
Snag a copy of "Neanderthal" and keep up with American Dog at:

Our track of the week is from our friends in Versa Mynor from their "Bloodlines" EP. Get your copy at

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And as always Focus On Metal…Everything Else is Insignificant.

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