
Friday, March 8, 2013

Helloween- Straight Out Of Hell

   The last Helloween album I paid my hard earned cash with was Chameleon. After hearing that crap I was done with the band. Touted as the next big thing after the 2 classic Keeper releases they lost the talents of Kai Hansen and produced a couple of stinkers. They soldiered on but I wasn't listening.

   I was pleasantly surprised by their last cd 7 Sinners, I had some money on a gift voucher and said what the heck, lets see if there's life left in these guys. It wasn't fantastic but it made me want to hear the new one which I have had on heavy rotation for a couple of weeks now. My verdict? Well it's better then 7 Sinners which I found a little too dark. This one is more like the classic stuff.

   The opening track Nabataea is fantastic, soaring vocals, guitars and drums everywhere and at over 7 minutes is the longest track on the cd. Other highlights are the mid-paced Live Now!, Burning Sun and Make Fire Catch Fly.

   Not every track works though. Far From The Stars just doesn't do it for me, maybe it's one fast track too many and the song Asshole is for want of a better word shit. Hold Me In Your Arms is the one ballad and although it is well written I can see a lot of metalheads reaching for the skip button. Andi Deris is a capable singer but sounds like he strains for the high notes at times. I also would like to have heard the bass guitar more prominent in the mix.

   Overall this is a very good album, fans of the band and power metal in general will lap this stuff up. The musicianship is stellar. The drummer can cancel his gym membership after recording this, he must have legs like tree trunks.



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