
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Here We Go Again

   I've loved Def Leppard since the 80's. I have gotten something from everything the've released. Of all the gigs I have seen them the most, at a guess nearly 10 times and they always put on a great show. I had to laugh when I heard the selling point of their Las Vegas residency was the performance of Hysteria in full. So how is this a whole lot different then the 7 or 8 songs they perform from this at every gig? Don't believe me then check the setlists, they regularly play all of side one so that's 6 right there. Side 2 has the title track and Gods of War. The only songs I've not heard them play live from Hysteria are Love and Affection and Run Riot. I remember a drunken fan giving out to me because I had to take a piss and picked Love Bites to do it, "hey man it's Love Bites" and I said I'd heard them play it 6 or 7 times. Now if they'd brought out Let It Go or Another Hit and Run I'd have stood there and pissed in my pants.

  They just can't say they are not a nostalgia band anymore, they are and have been for many years. Is the new material any good though? In my opinion yes and Songs From The Sparkle Lounge was a strong release. I just won't get the chance to hear much of it live. You check the setlists throughout their residency, I bet most of the lesser played stuff will be from the first 3 albums. Oh and less of the shitty covers too. I don't go to a Leppard show to hear them play the fucking Who.

   Note to Phil Collen: any chance Mr. Campbell can shred a little at these shows. He needs the practice when he revisits the Dio stuff for the upcoming tour. He's a little rusty from strumming on the banjo for all these years. Well paid mind you.


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