
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Review - Flotsam and Jetsam- Ugly Noise (Metal Blade Records)

I've never been a huge fan, always admired the bands perseverance but I kept looking from afar. They were part of the last Testament tour so I went early to catch them and was impressed enough to have interest in new material.

The core of the original line-up was back so that was another plus point.

So does Ugly Noise deliver? Well yes and no. There are some good songs on this like Gittyup and Rage that remind you of the good old days. There's not enough of them though and instead we get mid-paced fare like Play Your Part, Rabbit's Foot and the title track. Not bad songs but you expect something a little less safe.......a lot more ugly.

   I will say that Eric A.K on vocals is great on this and makes the best of the material on offer. I really did want this to blow me away but it looks like my long distance relationship with the band will continue.


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