
Friday, July 12, 2013

Career Break

   You hear Gene Simmons harp on in every interview that Kiss are behind the Beatles in the number of gold records sold. That's great and all that and the band have had a stellar career and love it or hate it are not going away any time soon. Lick It Up, Animalize, Asylum, Crazy Nights, Hot In The Shade, Revenge and Carnival Of Souls. How many of them were gold records? I would say at least 4.

   So here's my point. Why do Kiss ignore their non-make up period so much. If they are so embarrassed about it then don't count these gold records in the total. They play practically nothing from these live except maybe Lick It Up. Don't give me the original members bullshit either. If they played something from Revenge that's more members of the band on stage who played on that album then any other number in the set.

   Want to find non-make up merch? Don't try the Kiss website for starters. Nothing, zero, zilch. That period was all a dream and a bad one at that. I'm a bigger fan of the non-make up era so I'm fucked if I want to buy a t-shirt. It's the E-Bay and empty the wallet option.

   So Bruce Kulick flies the flag for those records and it's sad he has to do that alone. Some of those records are solid top to bottom. The band should be proud of that era and it should be represented on the merch page on the website.


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