
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Here's what's going through my ears lately

1. James La Brie- Impermanent Resonance (2013)
    Title just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it. Concise four to five minute heavy songs with less of the widdly widdly noodling of his other bigger band. Would have to stay on stage for the whole set which would be a first but that's if they tour this which of course they won't. Stupid move by the label to release this so close to the new Dream Theater album as it's bound to get buried. That's a shame cause it's really really good.

2. Annihilator-Feast (2013)
   One of the best metal/thrash sounding releases of the year. Already reviewed on the blog.

3. Loudness- Lightning Strikes (1986)
   Love Akira Takasaki's guitar sound on this. Big and beefy with top notch solos. 1000 Eyes, Ashes In The Sky, Street Life Dream. Brilliant.

4 Primal Fear- 16.6 Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2009)
   Ok I'm a recent convert. I like this a lot. All been done before but...... Dumb album title though.

5. Black 'N' Blue- In Heat (1988)
   Very underrated band who coulda shoulda woulda. Had the songs and the look and everything. Gene Simmons producing too. Oh maybe that's why.

6. Black Sabbath- 13 (2013)
   I like this but I'm not gushing the way some folk are. It's good but I find some of it a tad boring. I've heard folk say some of it sounds like bits of Sabotage, Master Of Reality et al but does it sound better? Back to the vinyl drawing board for me. 


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