
Thursday, February 20, 2014

OMNIVORE Debut Out Now on Unspeakable Axe Records

Italian death/thrashers OMNIVORE have unleashed their self-titled debut album through Unspeakable Axe Records. This blood-soaked slab of old-school thrash aggression is now available at

A promo video for the song "I Hope the War Comes" is now playing at this location.

Like their name suggests, OMNIVORE are equal-opportunity devourers. Their raging full-length shows that they clearly consumed old death/thrash acts from Europe and the U.S. - think Massacra, Merciless, and Sadus - as well as the more-familiar Bay Area bands, represented here by the use of gang vocals, some melodic lead parts, and even a startlingly well-played acoustic passage.  Of course, one of their biggest influences is revealed by the hidden bonus track at the end, a cover song that implores you to "Arise!"

Hailing from Varese and spawned in 2011 from the ashes of Nightmare Of Fallen, Omnivore is already a project on hold. The band's lone album (so far at least) is going to burn down villages and consume the fleeing villagers. 

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